In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Friends of the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center, Inc. is holding this virtual fundraiser to raise awareness and funds to provide support for the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center (MCCAC). The MCCAC provides a physically and psychologically safe, child friendly, appropriate facility where victims of child abuse receive all of their necessary services under one roof.
The blue pinwheel, representing innocence, is a national symbol for child abuse prevention. Pinwheels reflect the bright future all children deserve. The pinwheel is a positive emblem of the effect we can have when we work together to prevent child abuse.
By participating in this event, in any way that you can, you will be helping to insure that all children in Monmouth County have access to the most up-to-date, evidence-based, investigative and treatment services. Monmouth County’s most vulnerable children who are affected by physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and exposure to domestic violence deserve nothing less.