Crush and Squirt came to the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center in 2010. They have been the mascots of the center for ten years. The children love them!
The children visiting our center draw pictures of the turtles and write stories about them while they are here waiting. They tape the pictures to the tank to show Crush and Squirt their creations.
Crush and Qquirt are sisters. They play together, annoy each other (as siblings do) and love spending time together. They each have a distinct personality. They make our staff laugh at times. Sometimes they have to go to time out because of bad behavior. They enjoy car rides and just walking around the center. They play with some toys we have for them. In addition, they sure love to eat. Their favorite treat are carrots. They look adorable after eating a few because it looks like they put on lipstick. They are fancy.
Recently they became ill. We had to take them to the vet for a check up. They were both at a nesting stage and ready to lay unfertilized eggs. A nesting station was created for the comfort and purpose of allowing them to lay their eggs. It took almost six weeks. Eventually the eggs wear laid. Crush also had an infection. Thanks to the great doctors at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital, Crush had a 4-6 week treatment plan of antibiotic shots and twice a day ointment application. For that reason, she had to go home with me. Squirt was so sad. She missed her sister dearly. Therefore, i would take Squirt with me on some weekends to spend some time with her.
I am happy to say they are doing extremely well and are happy to be home. They spend most of their time in the tank in the waiting area of the center.